Sector San Diego VHF Net
Weekly SDG Sector VHF net on YSD repeater Wendesday's at 1930 PST/PDT - unless preempted by federal holiday.
Flotilla 1-10 meeting
We meet every 4th Thursday at 1800. There will be no meeting in November and December. Contact FC for location.
Boat America Class
In PersonOne day class in San Luis Obispo County Location: Elks Lodge 222 Elks Lane San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Instructors: Donna Banks, Charlie Cohn, Mike Fiamingo, Neil Malpiede, and Dave Naumann PIC: Donna Banks Morro Bay Flotilla 7-61 (805) 801-8884
Benders Pond BBQ
Join the Town of Gila Bend celebrate the expansion of Benders Pond. PA Booth only.
West Coast Regional HF Radio Net
The weekly HF Radio Net begins at 1830 hrs. Tuesdays on B5D. A concurrent virtual session starts around 1730 on and provides an opportunity to meet net members, get experience, or get assistance with radio problems. Members display their name and callsign. Guests display their name and guest.
District 11 South VHF AUXNET
The District 11 Sothern Region weekly VHF AUXNET starts at 1930hrs. each Tuesday on the Yankee Sierra Repeater. This net provides an opportunity for members to get experience talking on the radio and ensure their equipment is functioning properly. It also provides the district with a list of known operating radio stations and operator for […]
Sector San Diego VHF Net
Weekly SDG Sector VHF net on YSD repeater Wendesday's at 1930 PST/PDT - unless preempted by federal holiday.
COASTIE Training
Sector LA/LB 1001 Seaside Avenue, San Pedro, CA, United StatesA Coastie Training Course is being offered to those wishing to be certified as a Coastie Operator. Classroom and Hands On training is provided to teach the mechanics of Coastie, the use of the handheld remote controller and the communication capabilities. This course is also for those needing a refresher. The training will take place […]
PA – Coastie Training Course
Sector LA/LB 1001 Seaside Avenue, San Pedro, CA, United StatesA Coastie Training Course is being offered to those wishing to be certified as a Coastie Operator. Classroom and Hands On training is provided to teach the mechanics of Coastie, the use of the handheld remote controller and the communication capabilities. This course is also for those needing a refresher. The training will take place […]
West Coast Regional HF Radio Net
The weekly HF Radio Net begins at 1830 hrs. Tuesdays on B5D. A concurrent virtual session starts around 1730 on and provides an opportunity to meet net members, get experience, or get assistance with radio problems. Members display their name and callsign. Guests display their name and guest.
District 11 South VHF AUXNET
The District 11 Sothern Region weekly VHF AUXNET starts at 1930hrs. each Tuesday on the Yankee Sierra Repeater. This net provides an opportunity for members to get experience talking on the radio and ensure their equipment is functioning properly. It also provides the district with a list of known operating radio stations and operator for […]