RM TCT Refresher 6 and 7 March
RM TCT refresher via zoom. Must be on both nights. Must have video and audio to participate. register by emailing LesliePelosi@yahoo.com
RM TCT Refresher 24 and 25 April
2 Night RM TCT refresher. 1800-2100 (PDT) each night. Must attend both sessions for credit. Must have camera and mic to log on. Email LesliePelosi@yahoo.com. Log on info will be sent about 2 days prior to class.
RM TCT Refresher 4.5 hr Session
RM TCT Refresher via Zoom. Limited to 25 enrollees. Email Leslie Pelosi@yahoo.com to register. Log on info will be sent about 3 days before class.
RM TCT Refresher 22 and 23 May
2 night Risk Management Refresher. Must be present both nights for credit. Register by emailing LesliePelosi@yahoo.com.
RM TCT Refresher 30 and 31 May
Two Night RM TCT Refresher via zoom. Register by emailing LesliePelosi@yahoo.com. This is an annual requirement for All Boat crew members and trainees, PWO and PWOIT, TCO, Watchstanders, Nav Systems verifiers, Culinary assistants and anyone augmenting CG as UPV, Raft inspectors, etc.
RM TCT Refresher 12 and 13 June
4 Hour TCT refresher. must attend both nights. Email LesliePelosi@yahoo.com to register. 6-8:30 each night
RM TCT Refresher 9 and 10 July
Annual RM TCT Refresher. Virtual. 1800-2030 each night, Pacific time. Must have working Camera, Microphone and be able to attend both nights for credit. To register, email LesliePelosi@yahoo.com.
RM TCT Refresher Weds and Thurs 7 & 8 August
Annual RM TCT Refresher (via Zoom.) Required for all boat crew programs, TCO, NS, Watch standers and Culinary Assistants. Must have working camera and microphone and participate both nights for credit. Email LesliePelosi@yahoo.com to register. Log in info will be sent approx 3 days prior to class.
RM TCT Refresher 18 and 19 September
Two night virtual RM TCT Refresher. Must have computer (or cell phone) with working camera and microphone. Must attend both nights of this session to get credit. Class runs from 1800 to approx 2030 each night. Pacific time. To register, email LesliePelosi@yahoo.com. Log on info will be sent out approx 3 days prior to class.
RM TCT Refresher 16 and 17 October
Risk Management Team Coordination Training Refresher. This 2-night course will run from 1800-2030 each night. Participants must have working camera and microphone and plan to attend both nights to get credit. Email LesliePelosi@yahoo.com to register. Log on info will be sent out approx 3 days prior to class.
RM TCT Refresher- Saturday 23 Nov
Join us for a virtual 4-hour RM TCT refresher. 0800-1200 PST. Must have working camera and microphone. To register, email LesliePelosi@yahoo.com. Log in info will be sent out about 3 days before class.
RM TCT Refresher 18 and 19 December
2 night RM TCT refresher via zoom. Register by emailing LesliePelosi@yahoo.com. Log on info will be sent out 3 days before class. Participants must have working camera and microphone. 6 […]