Event Series West Coast Regional HF Radio Net

West Coast Regional HF Radio Net

The weekly HF Radio Net begins at 1830 hrs. Tuesdays on B5D. A concurrent virtual session starts around 1730 on and provides an opportunity to meet net members, get experience, or get assistance with radio problems. Members display their name and callsign. Guests display their name and guest.

Event Series District 11 South VHF AUXNET

District 11 South VHF AUXNET

The District 11 Sothern Region weekly VHF AUXNET starts at 1930hrs. each Tuesday on the Yankee Sierra Repeater. This net provides an opportunity for members to get experience talking on the radio and ensure their equipment is functioning properly. It also provides the district with a list of known operating radio stations and operator for […]

Division 9 COW

Annual awards brunch in Henderson, Nv and Town Hall meeting

Division 114-07 Board Meeting

Division 114-07 Board and Staff Officer Meeting. Held Monthly 2nd Monday of the month. Via Zoom.

Event Series West Coast Regional HF Radio Net

West Coast Regional HF Radio Net

The weekly HF Radio Net begins at 1830 hrs. Tuesdays on B5D. A concurrent virtual session starts around 1730 on and provides an opportunity to meet net members, get experience, or get assistance with radio problems. Members display their name and callsign. Guests display their name and guest.

D11sr HR AAMS Training

Virtual Event

National HR will be holding a training for all HR Staff, Flotilla Commanders, and Vice Flotilla Commanders on the use of the Automated Auxiliarist Management System, aka the AAMS.

Event Series District 11 South VHF AUXNET

District 11 South VHF AUXNET

The District 11 Sothern Region weekly VHF AUXNET starts at 1930hrs. each Tuesday on the Yankee Sierra Repeater. This net provides an opportunity for members to get experience talking on the radio and ensure their equipment is functioning properly. It also provides the district with a list of known operating radio stations and operator for […]