Div 114-07: FELA – Flotilla Elected Leaders Academy

Mission: To provide elected flotilla leaders, and members aspiring to be elected or appointed flotilla leaders, with a clear understanding of the knowledge, skills, practices and performance needed to be a successful flotilla leader.


Administration (Membership Application, Finance Reporting/Annual Budget, AuxData II Reports)
Communications (verbal/non-verbal, email/written)
Flotilla Organization, Staff Officer Appointments, Meetings, Member Survey, Flotilla GAR)
Leadership: (Goal setting/Vision/ Leadership Qualities)
Membership: (Member Training, Mentoring, Awards, Conflict Resolution, HR, Uniforms )
Obligations of the Flotilla Commander/ Vice Commander
Policy: (Flotilla’s Standing Rules, Aux Manual, DIRAUX)
Resources: (Auxdata II, Flotilla Procedure Guide, AUXMAN, CGAUX.Org)
Structure: (National / District / Division / Flotilla)

IMSEP Online Workshops

This course is designed to introduce members of Team Coast Guard – Active Duty, Reserve, Auxiliary and Civil Service – to the marine safety organization,
history, missions, functions and programs of the United States Coast Guard. T

Trainees and members will be required to have access to the internet to retrieve the numerous web documents referenced. The Introduction to Marine Safety and Environmental Protection end of course exam has questions from many of these web resources